Material Design WordPress Tutorials

How to build a Material Design WordPress Theme

I have built several WordPress themes with the different Material Design libraries and frameworks that are available online. It is fun to integrate these CSS and JS libraries into a WordPress theme and make everything work together nicely.  Normally you can just add the CSS and JS files into the theme, enqueue the scripts and styles, add a few classes to the WordPress theme files, and you are set. Other times it requires a little more work.

If you haven’t already checked out MaterialWP or MDLWP, you should. MaterialWP is actually a theme created with a Bootstrap based framework that has Material Design inspired elements and components.

MDLWP is a WordPress theme based off the Material Design Lite library that Google recently released.

I have even created a website that collects and lists different Material Design based themes and templates over at With all that said, you can see that I have a lot of projects that integrate Material Design into WordPress.

When people download the Material Design WordPress themes I offer, I frequently get questions about how to add or change certain features.

Because of this, I thought it would be a good idea to create some tutorials on how to create a Material Design WordPress theme from scratch. The tutorials are 100% free and you can sign up and watch them over at

The tutorials start with a starter theme over at and takes you through the steps of adding Material Design to your WordPress theme files. The tutorials also cover how I use tools like Gulp, Bower, and Sass to speed up and optimize the theme development process.

If this is something you might be interested in, go check out and let me know what you think.