I was up updating the npm packages in my Bootstrap 4 WordPress theme, StrapPress, and broke my Gulp file. I really like using Gulp with free wordpress themes to autoprefix, minimize CSS/JS, refresh my browser on code changes, and many other handy tasks.
Category: WordPress
WordPress Lead Dashboard with Vue.js and Contact 7
The best way to learn a new Javascript framework is to build something. So, I decided to build a Lead Dashboard using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API, and some other plugins and frameworks.
Lead Generation WordPress Themes
I have been doing a lot of digital marketing and lead generation for local businesses lately. A majority of the time, the business website I am working with is not optimized to capture leads.
I normally just see brochure type sites with general information about the business products/services with a contact page.
This doesn’t really do much for the business. They always wonder why their website isn’t generating any new business…
New tutorials on Building a WordPress theme with Bootstrap 4
I recently launched a new set of tutorials on how to build a WordPress theme with Bootstrap 4 over at BootstrapWP.com. It is a great series for those looking to learn how to customize Bootstrap Sass variables and use the latest online tools all while creating a custom WordPress theme.
WordPress Tutorials – HelpWP
With all the WordPress themes and related projects I put out of the web I get a lot of questions of how to do certain things and how to make certain changes/customizations.
I have had the domain helpwp.com for a while now and have always wanted to put it to use. So… I decided to create a website with video and written WordPress tutorials.
MaterialKitWP – Material Design and Bootstrap WordPress Theme
Recently, I stumbled across the free UI Kit called Material Kit from the guys over at Creative Tim. I have always liked working with the Bootstrap framework and Material Design has also become pretty popular online.
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How to build a Material Design WordPress Theme
I have built several WordPress themes with the different Material Design libraries and frameworks that are available online. It is fun to integrate these CSS and JS libraries into a WordPress theme and make everything work together nicely. Normally you can just add the CSS and JS files into the theme, enqueue the scripts and styles, add a few classes to the WordPress theme files, and you are set. Other times it requires a little more work.
The adventure of building my first Angular app with the WordPress REST API
Since WordPress announced they will be rolling a REST API into the CMS, I have been very interested in the future of WordPress development. With the release of the new WordPress.com, it is apparent Javascript is going to play a large roll in the future of WordPress development.
Material Design Lead Generation Theme
Recently, I have been doing a lot of Fort Worth internet marketing to help drive online traffic to local business owners websites. When I start new campaigns, I generally choose one of the many leadpages alternatives and setup some landing pages to help convert online traffic into business leads. These pages are normally on the clients domain name, but I also setup little microsites around the business niche.
I use these small websites to target different keywords and take up more real estate in the search engine results.
Fort Worth SEO Services Design
I recently decided to revamp Fort Worth SEO Services with a new design. The design is actually based off the Material Design Lite WordPress theme I developed a few months back. Check it out!
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