Magento Header into WordPress

How to pull the Magento header and footer into WordPress

Update: Notice this post is 5+ years old which means this post is ancient in the online world. Some or all of the solution in this post may or may not work currently for your project.

Recently I had a client that was running a Magento eCommerce store and wanted to use WordPress as their blog CMS. That is all fine and dandy as we just installed WordPress in a subdirectory and had it up and running in no time. The next tasks was to make the WordPress blog look like it is integrated into the Magento store by pulling the Magento header and footer into the WordPress theme.

To do this, I ended up using cURL to fetch the HTML of the Magento header between two comment tags.. For example, here is the header.php of the WordPress theme.

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Free Pinterest Style WordPress Theme

PinStrap is a responsive WordPress theme that I give away for free over at BragThemes. I built it while playing around with a relatively new jQuery plugin called Woomark. The theme also uses ajax to load new items as you scroll down the homepage like Pinterest.

PinStrap also includes the Twitter Bootstrap framework so you can use all the CSS and jQuery goodies. Since we launched the theme, people have been downloading it like crazy! The first day is was downloaded around 200+ times.

If you want to run your own little Pinterest style website, Pinstrap is a great solution.

Bootstrap WordPress Themes

We have been very busy lately building WordPress themes that utilize the Twitter Bootstrap toolkit. Our first responsive WordPress theme was very popular and got a lot of attention, so we decided to start building other Bootstrap WordPress themes. We even started a dedicated site that offers our WordPress themes, Brag Themes.
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Brag Interactive went Responsive

So unless you live under a rock or are just out of the loop on web design/development then you have probably heard of responsive websites. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I will explain.

Responsive web designs use CSS media queries to display different CSS styles depending on the user’s screen resolution/width. This means that when someone visits your website, they will see a different website layout depending on the device they are browsing the web on. A lot of people are making responsive sites so their same web design will display and look good on mobile phones, tablets, and even desktop browsers.
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Creating a Shortcode Toggle for WordPress

We are creating a website that has a FAQ section and I feel the best way to arrange questions and answers is with a toggle. Here is an example:

[toggle title=”Here is an example Question”]Here is the example answer. [/toggle]

I was looking around the web for some example code and I found this website. They give you all the code for your functions.php, stylesheet.css, and some jQuery to put in your header.php file, but it doesn’t work. It seems they left some code out of the functions.php code.
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Free Bootstrap WordPress Theme

Update: This post is 5+ years old. I have a ton of free Bootstrap related themes and products out on the web. Check out my GithHub page to download some free Bootstrap starter WordPress themes. I also have a course that goes over how to integrate Bootstrap into WordPress themes. You can check it out over at

When Bootstrap was released, I thought it would be neat if all these features were integrated into a WordPress theme. The Bootstrap toolkit has all kinds of great features:

Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites.
It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more.

The first version of this WordPress theme utilizes the Bootstrap toolkit and it is pretty slick. It includes widget areas for the homepage, footer, and sidebar. We also included the custom menu functionality and breadcrumbs on each page. You can use all the forms, layouts, tables, alerts, javascript, and all the included features that are in the Bootstrap toolkit.
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How to make a Facebook iFrame Page

If you are trying to make a custom landing page on Facebook or a new Facebook tab on your business pages, follow the following steps. We use this process all the time when implementing our WordPress themes for Facebook pages that we have created. You can display any content you would like on your Facebook page by hosting the content on your server and setting up a Facebook tab.

It is time to create a Facebook iFrame app for your Facebook page

To create an iFrame app on Facebook you need the developer app. Go to Facebook and in the top search bar, search for “developer.” When you search for “developer” you will see the Facebook Developer App. Install this application on your Facebook account.
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WordPress themes for Facebook iFrame

Brag Interactive is proud to announce our next round of WordPress themes for Facebook iFrames. This time we have packed in all kinds of features and functionality into the 7 WordPress themes we are offering. We’ve been on, understood how the best hosting services work and have tried emulating these themes to get the maximum functionality.

Click here to view the Demos now!

Here are a few screenshots of the new themes.

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Using WordPress for Facebook iFrame page. Awesome!

Update: You can now buy the premium version of this theme. If you are interested please go to WordPress Facebook.

Yay, it is finally here! A fully customizable WordPress site for your Facebook iFrame page. We have created a WordPress theme that fits perfectly in the Facebook iFrame applications. This means you can create a mini-website/blog right on your Facebook page! Pretty exciting news. The theme has several great features and we will continue to add more and create new themes. Right now we are offering a FREE Facebook WordPress theme with hosting for anyone who is interested in taking their fan page to the next level. Some things you can do with this WordPress Facebook theme:
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WordPress featured image link

Today I was working on a portfolio section in a WordPress site and I ran into a problem. The WordPress site was using featured images to show past work from the agency. The featured image was set up to take a large image and then WordPress would resize it to use as a thumbnail. Once you were in the portfolio section of the site, you could click the thumbnail and a lightbox would bring up the larger image for better detail of the agencies work.

The problem came about when the agency wanted to display TV and radio spots in the featured image lightbox. They still wanted to have a featured image, but when the user clicked on the featured image they wanted it to load the TV or radio spot in the lightbox. WordPress doesn’t have a feature that allows you to link a featured image to a post or anything other than the image you uploaded, so I had to come up with a solution.

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